Jesus commissioned us to “go and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19-20). So we endeavor to make disciples in Bryan, in the US, and to the ends of the earth. (Acts 1:8) We are currently serving in several non-local mission fields to make disciples (including El Salvador, Romania, Poland, Kenya, East Asia and the Middle East). We cherish your prayers for God’s work in these areas and for new mission fields where He may send you. We encourage you to ask, “God, do you want me to go? If so, where? If not, how can I help send, through prayer and giving?”
The Elders of Faith Bible Church cherish your input on where we as a church need to be GO-ing. If the Lord puts a fire in your belly for some service/mission, we want to pour fuel on that fire and let the Lord mobilize our body through your obedience to His call. We love to be included early in these conversations to prayerfully discern together with you the Lord’s calling for you and for our body.
Dates: TBD
Destination: TBD
Travel: Fly from Houston to Budapest, Hungary. Travel by minivan from Budapest to Arad area in Romania. (A US passport is required. Visa and additional vaccinations are not required.)
Purpose: GO to lead Romanian nationals to a saving relationship with Jesus Christ through:
- Participating in Sunday worship services at two village churches.
- Personal witness and testimonies.
- Supporting native Romanian pastors who are already in place.
- Other service opportunities TBD.
Cost: TBD… Each person must put down a $250 non-refundable deposit. Remaining support provided / raised by Faith Bible Church.
Contact: John Jennings [email protected] 979-
More information:
Potential Dates: Spring Break / Summer / TBD
Destination: Shelter the Homeless International Projects (S.H.I.P) orphanage in San Salvador.
Who: This trip is for all ages.
Travel: Fly into San Salvador, then drive to the site.
Purpose: To lead community residents to a saving relationship with Jesus Christ through:
- Teaching English classes to the children in the community
- Playing futbol (soccer) with children.
- Personal outreach and evangelism.
- Building/painting/renovating neighborhood homes.
- NOTE: Building/construction experience NOT required.
Contact: Leon Moore (979) 777-1074 [email protected]
YOUTH TRIP – FaithWorks!
FaithWorks Summer 2025
Date: Sunday, June 8 – Friday, June 13, 2025
Destination: Brazos Valley, TX
Who: Any student who has completed 7th grade by June 1, 2025 through graduating Senior, 2025.
Purpose: Faithworks helps carry out the mission of making disciples of every generation. Our goal is to guide youth in deepening their relationship with the Lord, developing a heart for others, and giving them practical tools to share their faith. By engaging in service projects where they have the opportunity to interact and learn from other faith bible members, learning how to share the gospel and tell their personal story of faith, students will grow in their ability to live out the mission of Christ (Matthew 28:19-20) and boldly share the Gospel (Acts 1:8), all while learning to navigate the challenges of living in a world that is not their home.
Cost: $100; Assistance available
Registration: Feb. 1- May 1