OCT 8 Fields of Faith 6pm, 6-12th grade, go to Bryan HS, Merrill Green Stadium instead of LINK for an FCA Rally and Pizza. Take a stand alongside hundreds of thousands of students across the United States and the world who will gather on their school’s athletic field to hear fellow students share their testimonies, challenge each other to read the Bible and come to faith in Jesus Christ.
Home Groups
We have small group Bible studies that meet in homes for various age groupings and topics…
- ALL: Thursdays 6:30pm David Mervish 4915 Park Land (979) 820-2984
- LADIES: Mondays 6pm (Sep8-Oct29) Denise Marshall, 4724 River Hollow Ct. “Anointed, Transformed, Redeemed” (210) 501-4209
- HIGH SCHOOL: Saturdays 7pm Mike and Lisa Niswander, 3902 E. 29th St, #E3 (530) 748-5829
- COLLEGE: Prayer Meeting – 1st and 3rd Sunday ea. month 8pm 2339C Autumn Chase Loop, CS (940) 395-7967