New Women’s Bible Study

From Denise Marshall:

I just wanted to take a moment and invite you to join me for the next 7 weeks in reading through several books of the NT.  We will start reading next week (schedule is below) and meet each Monday night OR Thursday morning (2 groups/diff days/times are offered–you choose which is better for you) to share what God is revealing to each of us through His Word (…and He promises He will be found by those who seek Him, Jer 29:13-14; God reveals Himself through His Word, 1 Sam 3:21all Scripture is God-breathed and useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness so that we may be thoroughly equipped for every good work, 2 Tim 3:16-17; The Word of God is living and active (It is for you and me–right now–today-for EVERY situation/relationship we are dealing with), Hebrews 4:12).
So let’s really take God at His Word and seek Him! Let’s believe what He says about His Word:  that It is absolute TRUTH and worthy and good to live by.  I love the truth of Hebrews 11:6, And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him MUST BELIEVE that He exists AND that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him. So, ladies, let us seek Him EARNESTLY— He promises to reward us!! Do you believe it? 🙂
I know you can be seeking Him through His Word on a regular basis with another group or on your own.  And I know these two days/times do not fit everyone’s schedule. That is awesome. But if you would like to join us and are able– please come be encouraged AND come encourage!! Bring your Bible, your journal, and a friend!!
Only by His Grace and with very much love,
Monday Night, 6-8PMOct 27-Dec 8
Linda Moore’s home: 4724 River Hollow Ct, 77808
We will take turns bringing a dinner-snack to share from 6-6:30
Thursday Morning, 8:30-10:30 AMOct 30-Dec 11
Starbucks insideTarget, 3061 Wildflower Dr, Bryan, 77802
You certainly don’t have to order a thing from Starbucks! But you can if you want to!!
Come prepared to share what God has revealed to you as you seek Him in reading:
Week 1 Hebrews 1-5
Week 2 Hebrews 6-9
Week 3 Hebrews 10-13
Week 4 All of James (5 ch)
Week 5 All of 1 Peter (5 ch)
Week 6 All of 2 Peter, and 2&3 John and Jude
Week 7 All of 1 John (5 ch)
Please feel free to pass this info to others.